Cemetery Information
Cemetery Monument Foundation Form
Disinterment Application and Permit
In 2010 Conway Township adopted a Cemetery Ordinance designed to help maintain the cemeteries along with the history within our cemeteries. In November of 2018 the ordinance was amended. The link above is for the amended ordinance.
Conway Township has 5 township owned cemeteries. 4 of the 5 are active and burial plots are available.
- Grave sites are $400 for residents and $800 for non-residents.
- Burial costs are as follows: Adult $700, Children $500, Cremains $350. There is an additional fees of $300 for winter burials (November 1-April 1 at the discretion of the sexton) and $200 for weekend burials.
- Headstone foundations are $.50 per sq. inch up to 36 inches tall with a $100 minimum. Foundations should be calculated with a 3 inch border around the stone. A 15% administrative fee will be added to the foundation price. The order form is available here.
- An approved urn vault is required for all cremains burials. Approved vaults are available for purchase at the township office.
Email or call Clerk Elizabeth Whitt at 517-223-0358 ext 103, during normal office hours (Tuesday and Wednesday 9-3, for information. For cemetery business Monday, Thursday and Friday from 9-3, call 517-225-9499. For emergencies in one of our cemeteries, call the Clerk at the second number.
Unfortunately, our records of burials are not up to date as all of our cemeteries have burials from as far back as 1835. The records where not always kept by the Conway Township, some had no written records and the people that maintained the cemeteries had all that information stored in their heads. Some records kept in homes and churches were destroyed by fire.
The Cemetery Advisory Committee is trying to get information up to date as best as possible, but some stones are weathered beyond recognition. Others never had stones to mark the burials.